Fashion People Love the “F Word”

I’m not exaggerating.  Food (what did you think I meant?) takes center stage at the markets, in showrooms and at store events.  So a great way to get buzz going about your store, or showroom, or events is to serve amazing food.  Not just amazing food but mouth-watering, mind-blowing, have to tell everyone about it, gimme the recipe now, food.   Long after the glow of your event wears off your customers will keep “ooohing” and aaawing” about your food.  I know it sounds simple but its true. I did it in my stores for years and it worked like a charm.  Here’s some mind-blowing food that was served during recent fashion weeks.

Courgette, goats cheese & fresh mint spirals served at London Fashion Week Event

Caviar on Chips at Alberto Ferrite - Philosophy 1940 Fashion Show

Bergdorf Goodman served treats based on designers spring collections, from top left, a sugar cookie Christian Louboutin shoe, a sponge cake based on Micheal Kors "Regatta" dress and a banana-Madeira flavored petit four inspired by a Chanel handbag. Courtesy the Berkeley Hotel

The Pioneer Woman blog is one of my favorite sites for new recipes.  Her recipes make me look like a genius with hardly any work.  Here’s a good one, Phyllo Mushroom Bundles. Makes my mouth water thinking of them.  They’re a breeze to make when you follow her step by step pictures and instructions.  And don’t miss reading her blog posts.   She always makes me laugh with her funny, endearing pictures and commentary.

Her Mushroom Bundles can be assembled and frozen unbaked, until you need them. Then all you do is pop them in the oven at the last-minute.

So go make up a great big batch and freeze the.  When your customers least expect it whip them out.  Declare it “Happy Saturday Thanks for Shopping With Us Day”, or “National Mushroom Bundle Day”, or “Random Acts of Cooking Day”.  The point is you don’t have to wait for a special day or event.  Make any day special.  Your customers will remember.

3 responses to “Fashion People Love the “F Word”

  1. OK, now you are making me hungry! Thanks for sharing these mouth-watering treats. Now that’s an “F” word I don’t mind hearing:)

  2. I couldn’t agree more. If you have food, they will come. Love, love, love your blog.

  3. Below is an alphabetized list of words and phrases that people have typed into Lumens. Fashion Guide

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