
Brands and stores are desperate to get women and men to buy.  People aren’t biting….or maybe just a little.  Designers are offering a little bit of everything hoping something will stick.  Something will work.

It’s not working.  Women don’t want gimmicks.  They don’t want to follow the dictates of a designers or editor.  So who do they want to follow?  They want to following themselves.  Their own sense of style.  Their own look.  So they’re buying what feels good to them.  They’re making it their own and they’re owning it.

Based on incoming retail sales reports, not enough fashion is feeling good to women yet. Blame the economy all you want but “temptation always sells”.  Brands need to cast their fears aside and “design”. Design to tempt, design to sell, design to make a woman own it.

Easier said than done?  Of course.  Stanley Marcus knew that when he said “give the lady what she wants”!  That’s at the heart of temptation.

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