Tag Archives: peacelovemom

PeaceLoveMom – A Celebration of Motherhood

How can you not love a line that has Peace, Love and Mom in its name.  It was one of my favorites tee lines at Magic. It started at the beginning of the recession in 2006 and motherhood is its inspiration.  They’ve had lots of success and it’s not to hard to figure out why.

1.  They have really cute, fun tee styles with great colors.

2.  Their branding is hip, fun and happy.  Puts a smile on your face!

3.  Their cottons are yummy, soft and irresistible.

4.  Their fit is not too small or to big and their sizes are from XS to 2XL.

5.  They have something for everybody…..mom, baby, daughter.

The long sleeve and short sleeve tees retail for under $50 making it an easy sale and great gift item.  They have a great website with lots of other goodies…childrens, babies, accessories and more.

Babies PeaceLoveMom Line

Cindy Crawford and daughters in PeaceLoveMom

I met Suzanne Simkin one of the owners at Magic and she is full of enthusiasm and it’s infectious.  She’s the one on the right with her family.

Suzanne Simkin and Family (in coral tees on right)

Babies PeaceLoveMom

Reynolds Wolf, a CNN reporter talks with the 3 owners of PeaceLoveMom and finds out what makes them successful in this market. Check out the video.

Where to Find It:

For wholesale or product information:
contact Suzanne at 404.966.8273 or Lori at 404.259.6542
email celebration@peacelovemom.com
website www.peacelovemom.com

Photos:  PeaceLoveMom